Oscar Winning Movies

Join our journey as we watch all the Oscar winning movies from 1927 to the present.

Monday, July 22, 2013

1994 - Forrest Gump: "Me and Jenny were likes peas and carrots"

1994 Best Picture

Premiered June 23, 1994

Budget $55 Million

Gross $330 Million

This was a very complete movie. There was a lot of humor and drama which made for a balanced movie. The historical aspect, while slightly over the top, was interesting. The script was witty and smart and Tom Hanks turned in a performance that was marvelous. 

At its core, this movie is all about relationships: Forrest and his mother, Forrest and Bubba, Forrest and Lt. Dan and, of course, Forrest and Jenny. Forrest shows great loyalty and character in each of those relationships. He has a low IQ but he truly understands what love is all about. He is mistreated over and over by the people he loves but he continues to do the right thing. We felt that this gave the movie a redemptive quality.

Favorite: Forrest was such an endearing character and was full of integrity. It was redeeming how he handled life. 
Least Favorite: I did not have closure because all of the characters were searching for God. It showed the God shaped hole that we all have. I wished that the characters would turn to God. I was also disappointed that Jenny did not reach out to Forrest until she was sick. 

Favorite: I liked the humor, not so much that it was a comedy but enough that it took some of the heaviness out of the film. 
Least Favorite: The movie was a little over the top in some of the historical events that Forrest was at (i.e. that he caused Watergate)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

1993 - Schindler's List: "The list...is life"

1993 Best Picture

Premiered November 30, 1993 in Washington DC

Budget $25 Million

Gross $321 Million

The 70s and 80s both had films that were in your face and shocking. The Deer Hunter and Platoon were movies that still haunt us with the terrors that come with war. However, those movies still had a goal of being entertaining. I don't think that Steven Spielberg wanted to make a movie that had entertainment value. He wanted to make a movie to communicate the horrific tragedy that the Holocaust was. Spielberg showed his genius in this movie. The movie is hard to watch and yet spellbinding. It is a very complete film that tells a single story and yet communicates the breadth of the Holocaust. 

It is a movie that cannot be compared to the other Oscar winners. On one hand, it is greatest film that we have seen so far and on the other hand, it does not even make the list. It is a movie that leaves you numb for days.

Favorite: I liked seeing the Holocaust in a different light and I liked seeing the real people at the end. 
Least Favorite: I had no least favorite. 

Favorite: I loved that it was in Black and White. I also liked the use of color with the girl in the red coat showing Schindler's change in the way he viewed the Jews.
Least Favorite: Nothing. It was amazing. 

1992 - Unforgiven: "Any man don't wanna get killed better clear out back"

1992 Best Picture

Premiered August 3, 1992 in Los Angeles

Budget $14 Million

Gross $101 Million

This movie has so much potential going for it. It had a good director (Eastwood), Star Power (Hackman, Freeman and Eastwood) a wild west theme and cowboys hunting each other. Unfortunately, the movie fails to deliver on all accounts. The story was just not that compelling and the western backdrop failed to deliver. The movie was needlessly profane and the ending was unsatisfying.

Favorite: The movie was artistic. The use of colors was nice.
Least Favorite: I did not know who Eastwood was fighting for. He was not a character that I could root for. Also, the ending was terrible.

Favorite: My favorite character was W.W. Beauchamp. He brought a good dynamic to an otherwise dull film.
Least Favorite: The ending was terrible.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

1991 - The Silence Of The Lambs: "Well Clarice, have the lambs stopped screaming?"

1991 Best Picture

Premiered January 30, 1990 in New York

Budget $19 Million

Gross N/A

This movie continues to be (along with Psycho), the gold standard for the horror genre. After we talked about whether or not a horror movie will ever win best picture again. The answer: if the genre ever produces a movie on the level of The Silence Of The Lambs it will. The movie is so complete and so cerebal. The audience is guessing until the final few minutes and we wanted to hide behind the couch during the climax of the movie. Foster does a great job as an FBI trainee who is very nervous at first but who becomes a confident agent and of course Anthony Hopkins is magnificent. He turned in one of the top performances we have seen so far.

Favorite: I love the eeriness and the way it keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time
Least Favorite: Some of the dialog between the cops is kind of cheesy. 

Favorite: Hopkins is about as creepy as a character can get. He hit a home run. Also, I loved the way the audience thinks that the police are at the killers door when they are actually chasing a faulty lead.
Least Favorite: The only thing that would have made it more scary would have been to not have shown the killer's face so early in the film. He could have been more mysterious. 

1990 - Dancing With Wolves: "In trying to produce my own death, I was elevated to the status of a living hero"

1990 Best Picture

Premiered October 19, 1990 in Washington DC

Budget $19 Million

Gross $184 Million

This was a solid movie. The story was unique and compelling and the stunts were well executed. The locations used in the film were beautiful. The movie had the potential to be a great film but fell short of the 3 popcorn bag mark. The acting was pedestrian at best and the movie was too slow at times.

Favorite: The scenery was gorgeous. I am a fan of movies that feature many shots filmed outside of a studio.
Least Favorite: Kevin Costner was not the best casting choice for the role. I think that Harrison Ford would have possibly been a better choice or a 40 year old Tome Cruise would have been better (think The Last Samurai).

Favorite: The story in general is unique. It showed that period of time in a different light.
Least Favorite: When Timmons eats the egg. It makes me gag.