Oscar Winning Movies

Join our journey as we watch all the Oscar winning movies from 1927 to the present.

Friday, November 9, 2012

1948 - Hamlet: "Get thee to a nunnery"

1948 Best Picture Winner

Premiered September 29, 1948

Budget: N/A

Gross: N/A
The story is timeless...The actor is an all time great...This equation adds up to...a really awful movie! I'm serious. The worst movie since Cavalcade. Now, it isn't Shakespeare's fault. It isn't even Lawrence Olivier's fault (although he directed it too so I guess he is partly to blame). The stanging, acting and camera shots were done as if they just filmed a production done on a stage. The production values brought nothing new to the art form and the actors "over acted" like they were in front of a live audience. It was a terrible way to spend a couple of hours.
Favorite: I actually liked the "ghost" scenes. That was the only time when the film makers actually showed some creatvity.
Least Favorite: The movie is slow. Mel Gibson was "Hamlet" in the same story and is was not slow and boring at all so I know that it is not the story.
Favorite: I liked the story.
Least Favorite: Bad acting, bad sets, it all seemed "hokey".

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