Oscar Winning Movies

Join our journey as we watch all the Oscar winning movies from 1927 to the present.

Monday, February 4, 2013

1966 - A Man For All Seasons: "I Know A Man Who Wants To Change His Woman"

1966 Best Picture Winner

Premiered December 12, 166 in New York

Budget $2 Million

Gross $25 Million

The sixties roller coaster ride continues with A Man For All Seasons. As a play, it would be quite good but as a movie it misses the mark. The film is dull and is disjointed in a lot of places. Characters appear and disappear and then reappear a lot later without filling in the blanks. The movie is also very slow.

Favorite: I liked Robert Shaw as Henry VIII. He did an excellent job portraying an insane monarch. 
Least Favorite: I knew that I was supposed to root for Thomas but I couldn't bring myself to do it. He was righteous but he was so pious that it hurt the effectiveness of the character.

Favorite: The story line was intriguing. It emphasized integrity and honor.
Least Favorite: The acting was bad and every decision the director made made the movie worse.

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