Oscar Winning Movies

Join our journey as we watch all the Oscar winning movies from 1927 to the present.

Monday, September 9, 2013

2001 - A Beautiful Mind: "Nash, who's winning - you or you?"

2001 Best Picture

Premiered December 13, 2001 in Beverly Hills

Budget $60 Million

Gross $171 Million

We had both seen this movie but neither of us remembered this movie so we went in with low expectations. We were blown away! The story was so compelling and Russell Crowe was even better in this movie than he was in Gladiator. This is a movie that you need to have on your must see list.

Favorite: I liked getting into the mind of a schizophrenic person.
Least Favorite: The movie was a little boring some of the time.

Favorite: I liked Russell Crowe and Jennifer Connelly in this movie. They were great working together.
Least Favorite: Some scenes were a little slow and could have been tightened up. 

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