Oscar Winning Movies

Join our journey as we watch all the Oscar winning movies from 1927 to the present.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

1929/1930 - All Quiet on the Western Front: "Me and the Keiser want you here to march tomorrow."

1929/1930 Best Picture Winner

Premiered April 29, 1930 in New York City

Budget: 1.2 million

Gross:  3 milion

After watching this movie, we got into discussion about the "Hurt Locker", another Oscar winner. There are a lot of similarities between the two films. No political message, no warm fuzzy feelings at the end of the film, just a picture of war. This movie follows one unit in the German Army as they deal with the rigors of war. It is an excellent (and eye opening) portrayl of life as a soldier.

The production values were excellent. It was interesting to compare Wings and this movie and technology came a long way in two years. The acting was very good as well.

Favorite:  I got a lot out of Paul's perspective of being on the front.  After being on the front and returning home, he said he would rather be on the front versus home because is was simple:  "You know if you are dead or alive."  I think this is so true with our relationship with God, when we are on the front and living on the edge of ourselves life is simplified in the fact of either we are all in with Christ or we're not.  When we live in a safe place, it all gets confusing and we can become lukewarm.
Least Favorite:  There was a lot of prolonged kisses between family members and soldiers (sometimes on the lips).

Favorite: I enjoyed the battle scenes. The makers of this film were ahead of their time.
Least Favorite: There was no musical score! During the first battle scene, we turned to each other and mentioned that something was missing...the music.

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