Oscar Winning Movies

Join our journey as we watch all the Oscar winning movies from 1927 to the present.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

2010 - The King's Speech: "Vulgar, but fluent. You don't stammer when you swear."

2010 Best Picture

Premiered No American premier

Budget $15 Million

Gross $138.7 Million

The King's Speech is a very inspirational story. The film is also a story of unlikely friendship. The acting is excellent and the story was well scripted and executed. We really felt for George and what he went through. This movie is time well spent!

Favorite: I loved the relationship between George and Lionel.
Least Favorite: The formality was a blockade to George and Lionel's relationship and I wanted that to go away.

Favorite: I thought that Colin Firth did an excellent job.
Least Favorite: The movie is a little slow at times. 

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